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A new whitepaper on scaling digital labor is available

Our Podcast Series

A New Podcast Exploring The World Of Technology, Business, and
Much More. 

In the Pardon The Disruption podcast series, Tom, Bart, TJ, and Rohan discuss new and emerging technologies, and the impact they are having on the way we live and work.

EPIsode 1
Capturing Digital Exhaust

This weeks episode explores what digital exhaust is, how to capture it, and the implications for data privacy.

EPIsode 2
The Attention Economy

What is the cost of not paying attention to your attention? We discuss the potential implications of the race to win your attention by companies such as Google and Facebook where you are essentially the product.

EPIsode 3
Interactive Storytelling

What was your verdict on Netflix's new interactive episode of Black Mirror? In the studio this week, Tom, Bart, TJ and Rohan discuss the episode and whether this has ushered in a new storytelling paradigm.

EPIsode 4
The Future of Reality: VR, AR or Mixed?

This weeks episode explores what digital exhaust is, how to capture it, and the implications for data privacy.

EPIsode 5
What Is Robotic Process Automation?

The term Robotic Process Automation is a hot topic in the tech world. But what exactly is it? In this episode, the team discusses the term and what it means for businesses.

EPIsode 6
Will AI Be A Job Creator Or Destroyer?

In this week's episode, Tom and the team discuss the impact AI is having on jobs, and whether it will create more jobs than it displaces. 

EPIsode 7
Winners & Losers Of The Digital Revolution

The Rumjog team explores the rapid pace of technological change, and what this means for our society and jobs. 

EPIsode 8
Bain 2030 Labor Report

Today, the team analyzes a recent whitepaper written by Bain Capital titled 'Bain 2030 Labor Report'.

EPIsode 9
Long on Tools, Short on Solutions

This week the team have a follow on discussion from the last Meetup event, where Tom spoke with the guest speaker, Rob High (CTO of IBM Watson) around products and services IBM offer outside Watson which people may not be aware of. This brings up the notion of focusing on problem-driven solutions vs leading with technology.